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News & Articles of Interest


When they were Waldorf students at the Sacramento Waldorf School, Kim-Fredrik Schneider and his friend Abraham Heitzeberg were dear friends. When Abraham passed at age twelve from Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, Kim was inspired to go into medicine and created a mobile health app named in tribute to Abe -- Abi Global Health.

Now, Kim and his partner, Dr. Victor Vicens, have decided to make the platform free, to potentially hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, during this crucial time in the fight against the Coronavirus.

Schneider says, "We want to remove as many barriers as possible to people accessing healthcare consultations. Abi users don't even need to install an app; they just start a conversation with our chatbot on their preferred messaging channel such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Viber and even SMS. A licensed physician is on call to provide a micro-consultation and typically answers within five minutes." 


  • Society
  • Technology
  • Waldorf Alum