Teaching Empathy: Essential for Students, Crucial for Humanity

“Part of our formal education should be training in empathy. Imagine how different the world would be if, in fact, it were ‘reading, writing, arithmetic, empathy.’” - Neil deGrasse Tyson Empathy is the key to encouraging prosocial behavior, limiting aggression, and diminishing social prejudice in our world. “To empathize is to civilize,” says Jeremy Rifkin,… Read More Teaching Empathy: Essential for Students, Crucial for Humanity

K-8 Comeback: Clear Merits over Middle School Model

Middle school has a particular reputation, and it’s not necessarily a good one. Children often approach these years of schooling (6-8 or 7-8) anxiously — concerned about cliques, closed-off cafeteria tables and bullies roaming the halls. Parents send children into these schools with trepidation as well. But, for some, it may come as a surprise… Read More K-8 Comeback: Clear Merits over Middle School Model